on-demand, component-level hydration

This page uses the regular getStaticProps from NextJS to get some image data

You then write the Gallery feature as a regular idiomatic React component - using click handlers, accessing data, adding CSS etc

But then when the page loads in the browser, the runtime will notice that there's a component to hydrate and it will load in Preact along with just enough data to re-hydrate this component alone - NOT the entire page. Seriously, go and view:source to see what I mean :)

But how does it look in code?

The default with this approach is that EVERYTHING is static/inert by default. That means the following code will server-render the HTML for all elements (h1, h2 etc) AND the gallery...

function App(props) {
    return (
            <h2>Please view our gallery</h2>
            <Gallery images={props.images} />

...but ZERO JavaScript would be loaded onto this page, meaning NO hydration costs. This can really make a difference when you begin to have large pages with hundreds/thousands of DOM nodes

If you do want this to be controlled though, simply wrap it in a BrowserComponent

function App(props) {
    return (
            <h2>Please view our gallery</h2>
                <Gallery images={props.images} />

JS saving on this page: over 55kb

The gallery below was server-side rendered

Reload the page without JS to try it out